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liability accounts造句

"liability accounts"是什么意思  
  • Assets and liabilities accounts
  • Current liability account
  • Liabilities are amounts owed to outsiders and a business gener ? ally has fewer liability accounts than asset accounts
  • If a transaction increases the total of liabilities . we should crebit the relative liability account for the amount increased
  • Among the improper adjustments discovered by the investigators were the creation and release of accruals and reserves, the transfer of express accruals from one liability account to another, and the use of excess balances to offset unrelated expenses in later periods
  • From the angle of accounting, to guarding against the financial liability risks we should first enlarge the financial liability accounting scope on the existing liability accounting foundation, truly reflect the liability condition of the government, reasonably establish the pay back plans, in order to guard against the financial liability risks
  • From the angle of accounting, to guarding against the financial liability risks we should first enlarge the financial liability accounting scope on the existing liability accounting foundation, truly reflect the liability condition of the government, reasonably establish the pay back plans, in order to guard against the financial liability risks
  • It's difficult to see liability accounts in a sentence. 用liability accounts造句挺难的
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